Sport Swap
Welcome to the Hockey North America Calgary website, and to the 2024-25 hockey season. 

Please remember that all arenas have a no tolerance policy for liquor on-site. 

We are part of  the second largest independent adult recreational hockey league in North America. HNA emphasizes fun, safety, and non-violence for adults, 18 and older, in over 15 major metropolitan areas in the US and Canada. 

The League features full slap shot, 3 fifteen minute stop time periods, no-check hockey, double elimination playoffs, pro style uniforms, full stats and standings reporting, Regional and International Tournaments, Regional and National Playoffs, plus our famous Beginner Hockey for Adults program that has taught thousands of beginners since our founding in 1980. 

Does your league provide this? Only Hockey North America! Don't be fooled by copy cat leagues!

Signing Up for The HNA Beginner Program

So you’re ready to sign up and learn to play the great sport of ice hockey. Now What?

The first thing is to understand is that hockey is not a cheap sport, and getting less so every year. But especially your very first year, since you’re buying all new gear and learning to skate, you need to make sure that you know that you’ll be spending some money . Once you get started and stay on the same team, it’s just league fees. 

Second, is to give HNA Calgary  an email at to sign up to play. We will contact you for the next school session.

Third, start looking around for equipment to buy. Hockey equipment is just like anything else. You can spend a lot of money if you want to, but you can also get nice gear without paying top dollar if you know where to look and that you understand what actually constitutes nice gear.

Next, start watching hockey from a completely new perspective – you’re a player now. When you watch a game, now you’re looking at exactly where people are positioned, when they shoot and when they pass, understanding the rules, watching what officials call – or don’t call.

Watch the HNA web site for information on your program and other interesting information about the League and items specific to beginner hockey.

And finally, elect a captain that does more than put the puck in the net. Recreational hockey really isn’t about the bravado of who can score more goals. It’s getting a group of people together as a team, and having them understand each other and stay organized enough to get things done both on, and off, the ice. A good recreational captain is one that is available by phone during the day, has an email address that is checked fairly regularly, and understands the role the captain plays is as a conduit for information between the team and the League.  No question a captain needs to be a leader on the ice, but the team is made or broken, off the ice.

Spare Goalies

Calgary Office
800 AM to 500 PM
Monday - Friday

Playoff Grids: Click Here To See Playoff Brackets
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